The appearance of the news in the media of Buenos Aires, demolition Palace announced Stoessel is indicative of the cultural context in which we find ourselves Argentines in general: less money, or to put it more elegantly, a non-appreciation of the property to be inherited and, almost bordering lightly on in-consciousness (or, non-consciousness, so it sounds more postmodern, right?) be allowed to bequeath to the future of the City of Hope the mere possibility of a yellowing photograph, a digital image and a comment more or less kind of the last stage of decrepitude of the once impressive mansion in the middle of the pampa gringa successfully imitated the pompous image of the palaces and mansions of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie of Buenos Aires.
Stoessel Palace is a work esperancino heritage should be protected, value, and, above all, known and loved by the people so that, with genuine pride in belonging to the first agricultural colony established the country, is shown and designated as an example of cultural expression, with its epicenter in the capital of the Republic was extended to all points of the Argentina of the late nineteenth and early twentieth committed to develop their wealth and potential to plowing force and European workforce
Esperanza And it is the privilege of having a work of architecture of the "value special "and other local own, beyond ideological factions, calls for a change of attitude of the community in its capacity as heritage.
"From good intentions is paved the road to hell," goes the popular saying, but with the good intention of raising a complaint about the impending destruction of the Palace Stoessel, is intended to alert the determination of placing a stone in the "no turning back" from oblivion and destruction, in this file esperancina tangible architecture-another critical piece of regional history, provincial and national levels. Because anyone remember Lehmann Palace?
Mgter.Arq. Ruben Osvaldo Chiappero
Director Institute of History, Theory and Criticism
of Architecture and Heritage
Faculty of Architecture
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