Friday, May 14, 2010

Cipralex, Melatonin, Citalopram

The city Hispanic American culture BRAND PROGRAM

The Institute of History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Heritage, under the Faculty of Architecture at the Catholic University of Santa Fe announced it continues to develop the Graduate Course " Renaissance: four thematic areas.

The module II, "The Latin American city in the culture of the Renaissance" will be led by the architect Alberto Nicolini and will be delivered on Friday 14 May 18 to 21 and Saturday 15 from 10 to 13 hours., 3.52 in the classroom at UCSF, located in Echagüe 7151.

addition, the module III: Renaissance Italopaisajista "by the architect Mario Lopez, will be issued on 28 May, from 18 to 21 hours. and May 29, 1910 to 13 pm.

Finally, Module IV, "Renaissance and the curiosity to look to the past", by the architect Jorge Bozzano, will take place on June 18, 1918 to 21 hs. and June 19, 10 to 13 hours.

For information and registration, contact the School of Architecture, phone 4603030 int.139, 16 to 20.30 pm. Blog


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