Photo Workshop in Villard Hall at UCSF (Echagüe 7151) Santa Fe on 27-04-2010
Students and teachers of the FA-UCSF participate from Saturday 24 until 30 April at the Workshop: "Architecture between Earth and Water." Organized by the Government of the City of Santa Fe, the College of Architects of the Province of Santa Fe - Distrito1, the Faculty of Architecture at the Catholic University of Santa Fe and FADU / UNL in the framework of the visit the "Workshop Traveling Villard " group that travels the world creating meeting spaces for urban development proposals.
the activity has sponsored the Cuia (University Consorzio Italiano per l'Argentina) and the special participation of representatives (students and teachers) in Italian universities, as well as Arizona (EE . UU.), University of Asunción (Paraguay), the Republic (Uruguay), and Argentina's La Plata, Córdoba Catholic and El Salvador. Projecting in Santa Fe
The worshop "Architecture Land and Water" will work in Santa Fe under the topic "Architecture for Edge II landscape, and provide a forum for thought and projecting generation in which students and teachers come together in Italy and Latin America called for the interest in architectural and urban development proposals linked to the cities and river environment. This time will be addressed particularly the area of \u200b\u200bPuerto de Santa Fe, High Green and the river environment linking both areas.
In both "Villard Traveling Workshop" for more than a decade that covers countries in Europe, in 2008, first visited Latin America, the Catholic University of Asuncion, Paraguay. It has the support of Cuia (University Consortium Italiano Argentino) and is framed within the policies of international cooperation between institutions in Latin America and Europe.
Program The seminar will consist of visits to work areas (Puerto de Santa Fe and High Green), boat tours, conferences, exhibitions and workshops course final presentation of work.
The objective of this seminar is that all activities are open to the public, to engage the community and enable the exchange of experiences, with those of free admission.
teams begin to operationalize the exchange of experience from Saturday 24 Belgrano Station city Santa Fe, having visited on Thursday the cities of Buenos Aires and Rosario in the context of work in Argentina. Over the next week from 9 to 17 will be held workshop meetings projecting Belgrano Station. While from the 19 will be the turn of conferences related to the topic. In this regard, the schedule begins with the presentation on Sunday 25 of Architect Ruben Cabrera (FADU / UNL) who will speak on "Paraná Coast, Belgrano Station on Monday, 26 Arch Pablo Beitia (Salvador University) will speak on "Landscape and Territory" and Arch Gianluigi Mondaini ("Citta e mare, Progetti Per Adiatici Porti) both take place on Tuesday 27 FADU and Claudio Architect and Architect Vekstein A Marco D'annuntiis speak at the headquarters of the UCSF (Echagüe 7151).
Following the talks, Wednesday, 28 also 19hs. Government officials of the City of Santa Fe will relate to new projects in the city of Santa Fe and Architect Marco Burrascano will notice the theme "I Frammenti European della città" both be held at the station Belgrano. Who was Villard of Honnecourt ?
Workshops Learn about traveling Villard: -2010 to 04 20days% 20progetazione% 20C_U_I_A.pdf Blog FA-UCSF
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