Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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More info: Blog FA-UCSF

How Many Calories In A Piece Of White Pizza


ARSema Coast invites Partners EMS and the academic community at large to participate as a speaker / ASSISTANT
to DAYS OF MORPHOLOGY 2010 , to be held on 4 June 2010, Aula Magna of the UNL FADU where
will be presented on the subject "METHOD AND CONTEXT" .
If your contribution was as rapporteur, we require your confirmation for inclusion in the program. Comes CERTIFICATE.
should be noted that the Faculty of Architecture at UCSF is an institutional partner of SEMA since 2009.


Curtains For A Closet Door


Photo Workshop in Villard Hall at UCSF (Echagüe 7151) Santa Fe on 27-04-2010

   Students and teachers of the FA-UCSF participate from Saturday 24 until 30 April at the Workshop: "Architecture between Earth and Water." Organized by the Government of the City of Santa Fe, the College of Architects of the Province of Santa Fe - Distrito1, the Faculty of Architecture at the Catholic University of Santa Fe and FADU / UNL in the framework of the visit the "Workshop Traveling Villard " group that travels the world creating meeting spaces for urban development proposals.   
   the activity has sponsored the Cuia (University Consorzio Italiano per l'Argentina) and the special participation of representatives (students and teachers) in Italian universities, as well as Arizona (EE . UU.), University of Asunción (Paraguay), the Republic (Uruguay), and Argentina's La Plata, Córdoba Catholic and El Salvador. Projecting in Santa Fe 

The worshop "Architecture Land and Water" will work in Santa Fe under the topic "Architecture for Edge II landscape, and provide a forum for thought and projecting generation in which students and teachers come together in Italy and Latin America called for the interest in architectural and urban development proposals linked to the cities and river environment. This time will be addressed particularly the area of \u200b\u200bPuerto de Santa Fe, High Green and the river environment linking both areas.
In both "Villard Traveling Workshop" for more than a decade that covers countries in Europe, in 2008, first visited Latin America, the Catholic University of Asuncion, Paraguay. It has the support of Cuia (University Consortium Italiano Argentino) and is framed within the policies of international cooperation between institutions in Latin America and Europe.

Program The seminar will consist of visits to work areas (Puerto de Santa Fe and High Green), boat tours, conferences, exhibitions and workshops course final presentation of work.
The objective of this seminar is that all activities are open to the public, to engage the community and enable the exchange of experiences, with those of free admission.
teams begin to operationalize the exchange of experience from Saturday 24 Belgrano Station city Santa Fe, having visited on Thursday the cities of Buenos Aires and Rosario in the context of work in Argentina. Over the next week from 9 to 17 will be held workshop meetings projecting Belgrano Station. While from the 19 will be the turn of conferences related to the topic. In this regard, the schedule begins with the presentation on Sunday 25 of Architect Ruben Cabrera (FADU / UNL) who will speak on "Paraná Coast, Belgrano Station on Monday, 26 Arch Pablo Beitia (Salvador University) will speak on "Landscape and Territory" and Arch Gianluigi Mondaini ("Citta e mare, Progetti Per Adiatici Porti) both take place on Tuesday 27 FADU and Claudio Architect and Architect Vekstein A Marco D'annuntiis speak at the headquarters of the UCSF (Echagüe 7151).
Following the talks, Wednesday, 28 also 19hs. Government officials of the City of Santa Fe will relate to new projects in the city of Santa Fe and Architect Marco Burrascano will notice the theme "I Frammenti European della città" both be held at the station Belgrano.

Who was Villard of Honnecourt ?

Workshops Learn about traveling Villard: -2010 to 04 20days% 20progetazione% 20C_U_I_A.pdf Blog FA-UCSF

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bone In My Ankle Hurts


Etsuro Sotoo: "La Sagrada Familia is a catechism of stone"

( Alba Digital ) - A Europe came from Japan (where he was Professor of Fine Arts) to study the "origins of the stone." His first job here was as a restaurateur in Germany. But he met the Holy Family in Barcelona and asked to be employed there, even chipping. His plans for a few months were extended until today, thirty years later. And what's left. Throughout the interview, Etsuro speaks generously of Antonio Gaudí and the Sagrada Familia, his teacher and his school in the faith, a conversion key carved stone (the mark of Sotoo could well be a cross, a hammer and a chisel). Nice tribute to the universality of Church construction of the Sagrada Familia English Reus initiated in 1882 and among its followers are today this friendly and curious Fukuoka Japanese.
- What led him to Europe, chance or providence?
-Providence. Everything is providence!
"And in Europe, Barcelona. Was it hard to understand Gaudi first visited the Holy Family?
"Even then, though not Catholic, I wanted to be faithful to Gaudí, grasp its essence. But I realized that for many it was my will, it could only go so far.
Pórtico de la Caridad
Portico of Charity
"I learned to be looking not Gaudí, but where looking Gaudí. Because there is much difference between being Catholic and not. If you're not, you will sail along the surface of a sea called Gaudi. If you are, go down to the bottom of that sea.
- Do not drown?
-No. It is like entering another dimension.

-His conversion to Catholicism, "influenced his way to work?
"It became easier, safer. Now I work with fewer questions, with more freedom because immediately perceive the meaning of what I do.
- Does that mean that for you the Holy Family has no secrets?
"Even now - thirty years later! - Discover things. Gaudí wanted to do a catechism in stone that people could, in fact, learn every day, always.

Pórtico de la Esperanza
Portico of Hope
"With that the people who visit return. Because there is no better church than the one that is revisited.
-Mission accomplished: the Sagrada Familia is the most visited and revisited-of-Spain.
"Because those who visit are looking for something, no matter whether they know it or not. The Sagrada Familia is a point where you can find what you are looking for.
"Both tourists do not you dislike?
- No! I love to watch their mouths open, their eyes in surprise.
"And when you pray, do not distract you?
-in prayer, even if a thousand people around, only Christ and you are you.
"So people do not mind, you are not the typical artist's drawing.
-La Sagrada Familia is easier to understand it a boy or a housewife, a modern architect.
- Why?
"Because many architects build not to improve the lives of people, but to honor themselves. Quite the opposite Gaudí.
"For you art is not only a source of income, fame.
"It must be, above all, and like any human discipline, a vehicle (sometimes an Alfa Romeo, sometimes a Doscaballos) that leads to Truth.
"And in that way, your guide has been ...
-A her teacher often asked when he would be ready by the Sagrada Familia.
"And he answered:" The customer is in no hurry. " The client, of course, was-and remains-God.
- And you? In a hurry?
"I think the longer we delay, the better.
- Why?

Portico of the Faith
"Because while we build we have the opportunity to learn. However, once built ...
- So much is learned?
-Gaudí did not build the Sagrada Familia. It was the Sagrada Familia which Gaudi built! The same thing happens to those who work in it.
"At some point will have to inaugurate. Are you sad?
"No, because I know that tomorrow we will start working on its restoration, that is also ours.
-Suggests that the Sagrada Familia cathedral is Europe.
"It's an illusion, a dream. I think we must face the truth with humility, without prejudice or ideology, like children, eternal sons of God.
- And the prayer? "You enter it as a child?
-Yo, when I pray, I pray to God to make me a better person. It is my daily struggle. And when I win, if only for a moment, thank you. Blog

Monday, April 12, 2010

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Auto-Makeup Course

Hello how are you? Well, I tell you, the course of self-makeup has a charge time of 5 hours. divided into two classes (two hours each), time to be arranged. The same is individual and home. Its contents are correct
• Clean skin.
• Measurement of eyebrows and details to keep in mind about them.
• Bases suitable for skin type and when called upon (winter / summer, day / night)
• Concealers (dark circles, pimples or skin blemishes)
• Shadows, colors and application (different forms of application, including smoky eyes).
• Delineated, masks and tricks for implementing them.
• Lipstick, gloss, delineated.
• Fasteners makeup.
• Blushes as skin type.

The idea is that with all these tips you achieve an ideal makeup for different occasions and the days and practice you improve. While the two are theoretical and practical classes, the first is more full of data and the second full practice. The course also has written support that is provided in the second class, since it is not standard, but varies according to the morphology of the face and skin types. Any questions that you have been or to arrange it, Contact me at 15-4916-8403.

Saluda Atte. Melissa Roldan.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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freshhhh Look! Look

One of the most surprising things of this makeup is that the skin is absolutely transparent.

just goes makeup. It only takes a moisturizer mixed with four drops of foundation, so that the skin looks very bright and a little light-textured concealer the same color of skin to cover skin imperfections minimum.

this spell to seal and remove the shine of which are not conducive, a touch of translucent powder with a thick brush, so it is more blurred and natural. When
get a fresh, light skin is very important to clear your skin and do not miss the satin shine of natural skin, if we apply too much of this subtle luster dust disappear.

With a flat brush is applied to the eyelid of the eye a dark brown shade and fades away from the lash line up to the eye socket.
now to reinforce the line of tabs, the technique is to draw the line really close to the lashes, put black powder shadow on the eyelid and blend upward. Then, with a golden beige shade, I highlights: at the center of eyelid, the tear and the skin under the lower lashes.
The mask, in this case only applies to the upper lashes, eliminating any possible a clean spiral "blob" and giving them the desired shape in the bottom flange is not positioned product.

on the cheeks, blush pink brown bears or mouse cream, applied directly with fingers on her cheeks and faded toward the ear and the light point of the cheekbone.

In the mouth has been given a touch of caramel color is very flattering, to make it a fresher look while "casual" does not outline the lips, is applied directly to the brightness. Playing with the natural all the makeup, and getting a striking effect of hydration. This is achieved with a lip gloss cherry color and glossy finish.

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During the night all the light around us is artificial and the artificial light of low color intensity, so that when making a night we'll make more intense, and in view of other not seem exaggerated.

makeup for the night can choose dark colors, bright textures to get the most glamorous and sophisticated look.

The importance of skin preparation
Before you start apply a cream makeup base, preferably a moisturizer.
skin will leave a few minutes to rest so that the product is absorbed.

corrects imperfections
All pigmentation problems are worked before the base. If there are imperfections such as blemishes, pimples on the face, etc, cover them with concealer and apply paste hiding a more natural and fluid in the eye area, and that if we put a very thick, the gesture would be marked lines expression.
We use the same correction fluid in a shade lighter than your skin to smooth out all the features that can harden a woman, and to give the skin naturally.

unifies the bottom in the market are a variety of funds makeup of different texture and coverage: for mature skin, fat, etc. Choose one depending on the needs of the skin.
A touch
If we take a fresh look to the skin we can choose a cream blush. This is applied before to qualify as belonging to the family of acids. The cream blush is ideal for the elderly and dry skin. Fixed

will post the entire base with a translucent powder to get a natural skin and not too matte. Apply translucent powder with a touch of brush.

Eyes, the protagonists
In the eyes apply a base shadow in a tone light and dark color chosen under the eye will mark a point cap, following the bottom line of the eye.
also apply this same tone in the birth of tabs blurred by the basin area or eye shadow, thus emphasizing the point of intensity.
The current point is an imaginary point on the line crossing the bottom eye line with this basin. We will review
lash line to achieve a more intense look, this line we can do with a gradient shade to achieve the halftone.

scandal tabs will apply plenty of mascara, eliminating any lumps with a spiral clean and giving them the desired shape.
If we get a tearing eye will not apply to lower lashes, as they rounded the ojo.Y to be super-powered, two coats of mascara, with a range of drying.
eyebrows give much expression to look for what will correct if necessary, fill any gaps and stretching your extremos.Tener into account to correct the color chosen as choosing a wrong color can be fatal for the rest of makeup. We recommend using opaque shadows not too dark toast, always following the basic tone of them.

And finally, a sensual lip
When we apply eyeliner, it stumping into the lip, apply a lip in the same tone, and attention! the outline of the lips sedebe not noticed.
If desired, you can use only a long-lasting gloss, for which no one wants to feel very full.

Hope you enjoy and practice!