Monday, March 19, 2007

Pocket Oxford English Dictionary Full Version 5.7

I will not vote for IE only

My answer to the words "Only for Internet Explorer" in this case to ViaEducativa , a website that lets you check your child's academic data and other information of interest related to the Cole.

"Good morning,

The school of my children has just subscribed to your service. However, to get access to it, read on websites - and surrender to the evidence that it is - should I install Internet Explorer. alegáis The reasons are as follows: "There are many browsers in the market and each of them representing the HTML code in different ways. Adapt a website to make it compatible with all browsers is a very difficult and would limit the operation of the web. For this reason, This site was developed specifically for Internet Explorer, which is the most widely used browser by Internet users. "
While his information is entirely accurate - there are many browsers and most surfers use Internet Explorer - is also quite incomplete:

First, you In accepting an argument of quantity (most users) regardless of the quality. It is true that not all browsers represent the way the html code, but know that there are only 2 ways to represent it: good or bad. Well that is W3C standards compliance or misuse ie without meeting these standards. And of course, there are thousands of ways of doing evil things, as many as browsers that do not correctly represent the html code, Internet Explorer one of them.

Secondly, even their number is valid argument because if the majority of surfers use Internet Explorer, not because they have decided to but because monopolistic maneuvers from Microsoft that causes them to use. For the record, this is not a mere opinion, is a legal ruling.

With these arguments, I suggest you place your website in compliance with HTML standards, without suggesting any particular browser (let alone the one I use regularly so you do not believe that this is my goal). If after you set up your web fancy the taste of the Internet Explorer or other browser that does not follow the rules, it is their right.

But first he has to meet to meet: well we teach children about education as we watch you with your web much like us as parents. And also the school that you have subscribed to their services who sent a copy of this mail.

Regards, Greg
(A Coruña) "


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